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Safe and Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 11:44 am

Spiders are a common sight in many homes, and while many are harmless, their presence can be unsettling for some. Rather than resorting to chemical pesticides that may pose risks to your family and pets, we’ll explore the best safe and natural ways to keep spiders out of your home. In this guide, we have the found best eco-friendly solutions like essential oils, diatomaceous earth, and spider-repellent sprays, highlighting their effectiveness and safety for both people and pets.

1: Essential Oils as Spider Repellents

Essential Oils and Their Effectiveness:

Essential oils can be used as a safe and natural way to keep spiders out of your home, harnessing the power of nature for pest control. Some of the most commonly used essential oils for spider prevention include peppermint, lavender, tea tree oil, and citronella. These essential oils are known for their strong scents and versatile properties.

Essential oils work as natural spider repellents by disrupting spiders’ sensory receptors. Spiders, like many other insects, rely heavily on their sense of smell and touch to navigate their surroundings. Essential oils, with their potent fragrances, overwhelm and confuse these sensory receptors. This makes it difficult for spiders to detect prey, mates, or suitable nesting sites in areas saturated with essential oil scents.

Safe and Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Using Essential Oils:

Creating your homemade essential oil spider repellent is a simple yet effective method. To get started, you’ll need a few essential oil essentials:


  • 10-15 drops of your chosen essential oil (peppermint, lavender, tea tree oil, or citronella)
  • 1 cup of water
  • A clean spray bottle


  1. Fill the clean spray bottle with 1 cup of water.
  2. Add 10-15 drops of your chosen essential oil to the water.
  3. Close the spray bottle and shake well to ensure thorough mixing.
  4. Your homemade essential oil spider repellent is ready for use.

Recommended Dilution Ratios and Application Areas:

It’s important to note that essential oils are highly concentrated, so proper dilution is essential to avoid skin irritation or overpowering scents. For your homemade spray, a 1% to 2% dilution is generally safe and effective. This means using 1 to 2 drops of essential oil per 1 ounce (30 ml) of water.

When applying the essential oil spray, focus on areas where spiders are commonly found. This includes corners, cracks, crevices, window sills, door frames, and other potential entry points. Spray a light mist in these areas to create a scent barrier that discourages spiders from venturing further.

Safety Considerations:

One of the significant advantages of using essential oils as spider repellents is their non-toxic nature. Essential oils derived from plants are generally safe for humans and pets when used correctly. However, it’s essential to take a few safety precautions:

  • Keep essential oils out of reach of small children.
  • If you have pets, ensure that the essential oil scents are not overpowering, as animals have sensitive noses. Consider diffusing essential oils or using lower dilution ratios when pets are present.
  • If you or a family member has known allergies or sensitivities to specific essential oils, choose alternatives that are better tolerated.

By following these guidelines, you can harness the power of essential oils to naturally deter spiders while maintaining a safe and pleasant living environment for your family and pets.

Need Something a little more potent to tackle your indoor spider problem?  Check out our article on The Best Spider Spray for Your Home

2: Diatomaceous Earth: A Natural Barrier

Understanding Diatomaceous Earth:

Diatomaceous earth is renowned for its effectiveness in keeping spiders out of your home, and it’s completely safe for your loved ones. Diatomaceous earth is a natural and versatile substance used for various applications, including pest control. It consists of the fossilized remains of diatoms, tiny aquatic organisms with silica-rich skeletons. Diatomaceous earth works as a formidable spider deterrent due to its unique properties.

The secret to diatomaceous earth’s effectiveness against spiders lies in its microscopic abrasive particles. These minuscule particles have sharp edges that, while harmless to humans and pets, can be devastating to small insects like spiders. When a spider comes into contact with diatomaceous earth, these abrasive particles damage the spider’s exoskeleton, causing it to lose vital bodily fluids and leading to desiccation and death.

Application and Effectiveness:

To utilize diatomaceous earth as a natural barrier against spiders, follow these steps:


  1. Identify common spider entry points and areas of activity, such as corners, crevices, and baseboards.
  2. Using a duster or a small handheld sieve, lightly apply a fine layer of food-grade diatomaceous earth in these areas.
  3. Reapply as needed, particularly after cleaning or if the diatomaceous earth becomes damp.


  1. Focus on potential spider entry points, such as cracks, gaps, and openings in your home’s exterior.
  2. Apply diatomaceous earth in a thin layer along the perimeter of your home, paying special attention to areas where spiders are frequently seen.
  3. Reapply diatomaceous earth after rain or heavy moisture to maintain its effectiveness.

Diatomaceous earth is highly effective in spider prevention, as it remains active as long as it remains dry. It creates a physical barrier that spiders must navigate, subjecting them to the abrasive particles that ultimately lead to their demise. Due to its natural and long-lasting properties, diatomaceous earth is a preferred choice for eco-conscious homeowners seeking a safe and effective solution to keep spiders at bay.

Safety Precautions:

While diatomaceous earth is generally safe for humans and pets, it’s crucial to exercise caution when handling it:

  • Ensure you use food-grade diatomaceous earth for pest control, as other varieties may contain additives that are not safe for indoor use.
  • When applying diatomaceous earth, wear a dust mask to prevent inhalation of airborne particles, especially in enclosed spaces.
  • Avoid applying diatomaceous earth in areas where strong air currents may disperse the fine powder, as it may irritate your respiratory system.

By following these safety precautions, you can harness the power of diatomaceous earth as a natural barrier against spiders while maintaining a safe and healthy living environment.

3: Natural Spider Repellent & Sprays

For those seeking a convenient and ready-to-use solution to deter spiders, commercial spider repellents sprays formulated with natural ingredients can help to maintain a spider-free home without resorting to harsh chemicals.. These products are specially designed to create a protective barrier against spiders while being safe for humans and pets.

Reputable brands such as EarthKind, Wondercide, and mdxconcepts are known for their commitment to eco-friendly and sustainable pest control solutions. These brands prioritize using natural, plant-based ingredients in their spider repellent formulas, making them a reliable option for environmentally conscious homeowners.

Effectiveness and Application:

Natural spider repellent sprays are designed to create a protective barrier that spiders find inhospitable. When applied correctly, they deter spiders from entering or staying in treated areas.

Indoors, focus on potential spider hotspots such as basements, attics, crawl spaces, and other areas where spiders are commonly found. Spray the product along baseboards, windowsills, door frames, and any cracks or gaps where spiders may gain entry. It’s essential to read and follow the product’s specific instructions for application.

Outdoors, you can also use natural spider repellent sprays around the perimeter of your home to prevent spiders from venturing indoors. Pay attention to areas where spiders are prevalent, like around windows and doors. Some products are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, offering versatile protection.

Pet and Child Safety:

One of the significant advantages of using natural spider repellent sprays is their safety for households with pets and children. These sprays typically rely on non-toxic ingredients, making them a suitable choice for families with furry or young members.

However, it’s essential to take precautions to ensure proper usage:

  • Keep pets and children away during application to avoid direct contact with the product.
  • Store the products in a secure location out of their reach.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding re-entry times after application.

By using natural spider repellents and natural spider sprays, you can effectively deter spiders from your home while prioritizing the safety of your loved ones and the environment.

4: Additional Tips for Spider Prevention

General Cleaning and Decluttering:

One of the fundamental steps in preventing spiders from infesting your home is to maintain a clean and clutter-free environment. Here’s why it matters:

  • Regular Cleaning: Spiders are attracted to dusty and dirty areas, as they find it easier to create their webs in neglected spaces. Make a habit of dusting and vacuuming your home regularly, paying close attention to corners, ceilings, and hidden nooks. Removing spider webs promptly discourages spiders from returning.

  • Decluttering: Clutter provides hiding spots for spiders and can become a breeding ground for other insects that spiders prey on. Reduce clutter in your home, especially in areas where you’ve noticed spider activity. Keeping your living spaces organized makes it more challenging for spiders to establish themselves.

Outdoor Maintenance:

The exterior of your home plays a significant role in spider prevention. Here are outdoor maintenance tips to keep spiders at bay:

  • Vegetation Trimming: Trim and maintain vegetation around your home. Overgrown shrubs and bushes can create bridges for spiders to access your house. By keeping plants well-groomed and away from your exterior walls, you reduce the chances of spiders finding their way in.

  • Sealing Entry Points: Conduct regular inspections of your home’s exterior and seal any gaps, cracks, or openings that spiders could use as entry points. Pay particular attention to areas around doors and windows, as these are common access points.

  • Screen Inspection: Ensure that screens on doors and windows are in good condition and without tears or holes. Well-maintained screens act as a barrier, preventing spiders from entering your home.

Regular Maintenance:

Spider prevention is an ongoing effort. Here’s why consistent maintenance is essential:

  • Consistent Effort: Spider prevention requires regular attention and upkeep. Even when using natural methods, it’s important to remain vigilant and maintain your chosen spider deterrents.

  • Ongoing Use: Many natural spider repellents, such as essential oil sprays or diatomaceous earth, may need continued use for optimal results. Consistency in applying these methods ensures that spiders remain deterred over time.

By incorporating these general cleaning, outdoor maintenance, and regular upkeep practices into your spider prevention routine, you can effectively reduce the likelihood of spider infestations in your home and enjoy a spider-free living environment.

5: Maintaining a Spider-Free Home

Preventing Future Infestations:

Once you’ve implemented spider prevention measures, it’s important to maintain a spider-free home. Here’s how to prevent future infestations:

  • Regular Cleaning and Vigilance: Consistency is key to a spider-free home. Continue with your regular cleaning routine, ensuring that spider webs are promptly removed. Vigilance is crucial, as it allows you to identify any signs of spider activity early and address them promptly.

  • Sealing Entry Points: Make it a habit to inspect your home’s exterior periodically. Look for cracks, gaps, and potential entry points that spiders could use to gain access. Promptly seal any openings you find with caulk, weatherstripping, or other suitable materials.

Benefits of Using Safe and Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Embracing natural spider prevention methods offers several advantages that contribute to a healthier home environment:

  • Eco-Friendly and Safe: Natural methods, such as essential oils, diatomaceous earth, and natural repellent sprays, are environmentally friendly and safe for use around people and pets. They can be an effective way to keep spiders out of your home and reduce the need for harsh chemicals and pesticides, promoting a more sustainable approach to pest control.

  • Holistic Pest Control: By adopting natural spider prevention methods, you are not only deterring spiders but also contributing to a broader strategy of holistic pest control. These methods disrupt the spider’s sensory receptors and behavior, making your home less appealing to a variety of pests.

  • Sustainable Practices: Natural methods align with sustainable living practices, making them a responsible choice for homeowners. They support a healthy ecosystem by avoiding harm to non-target organisms and reducing the chemical footprint in your living space.

By incorporating these preventative measures into your daily routine and appreciating the benefits of natural methods, you can keep spiders out of your home and maintain home that is both eco-friendly and safe for all occupants. Regular cleaning, vigilance, and a commitment to sustainable pest control contribute to a harmonious living environment where spiders are unwelcome guests.

Getting Rid of Spiders the Natural Way

Keeping spiders out of your home can be achieved through safe and natural methods that don’t involve harsh chemicals or pose risks to your loved ones. By employing strategies like essential oils, diatomaceous earth, and spider repellent sprays, you can establish a spider-free environment while prioritizing the well-being of both your family and pets. It’s important to note that spider prevention is an ongoing process, and these eco-friendly solutions allow you to maintain a pest-free home while living in harmony with nature.

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