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How To Spider-Proof Your Home: Top Products and Tips

Last updated on November 15th, 2023 at 10:59 pm

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Last Updated on November 15, 2023 by The Bug Experts Team

Spiders are a common household nuisance that can leave even the bravest among us feeling uneasy. Whether you’re dealing with harmless daddy longlegs or the less welcome eight-legged guests, spider-proofing your home is a proactive approach to maintaining a pest-free living space. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a range of essential products and practical tips to help you keep spiders at bay.

The Importance of Keeping Spiders Out of Your Home

Spiders might be beneficial in the ecosystem, but their presence inside your home can be unsettling and, in some cases, even dangerous. While most spiders are harmless, some species can deliver painful bites or cause allergic reactions. Additionally, the sight of webs and spiders in your living areas can create discomfort and anxiety. By taking steps to spider-proof your home, you can enjoy peace of mind, a cleaner living environment, and reduced encounters with these arachnids.

Overview of Spider-Proofing Strategies

Spider-proofing isn’t about eliminating spiders entirely but rather creating an environment that discourages them from taking up residence in your home. We’ll delve into various methods, from sealing entry points to natural spider repellents and proactive cleaning routines. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge and tools needed to spider-proof your home effectively.

1. Tools and Products you Need To Spider-Proof Your Home

When it comes to spider-proofing your home, having the right products and tools at your disposal can make all the difference. Here, we’ll explore various items that homeowners can use to create an inhospitable environment for spiders.

A. Sealants and Caulk

Description: High-quality sealants and caulk are crucial for sealing gaps, cracks, and crevices in and around your home. These sealants prevent spiders from entering through tiny openings.

How to Use: Inspect your home for gaps around windows, doors, and foundations. Apply sealant or caulk to seal these openings, paying attention to areas where spiders are commonly found. Older houses often have small cracks around windows and the edges of doors. Also check corners rooms, paying special attention to the sealing and floors. It can be helpful to look on the outside of the house around windows and doors to identify cracks on the outisde as well.

Our Favorite Caulk Sealant is the Gorilla Waterproof Caulk & Seal it’s a silicone sealant, so you can use it in most locations. It’s easy to apply, really durable, and can last for years. It’s a name brand you can trust, and it’s not expensive.

Pros: Effective at blocking spider entry points, relatively inexpensive, and long-lasting.

Cons: May require some DIY skills, particularly for extensive sealing projects. Even sealing the cracks that you can see, there are some areas (vents, crawl space, attic) that you can never perfectly seal off.

B. Weather Stripping

Description: Weather stripping is a flexible material that you can install around doors and windows. It creates a tight seal, preventing spiders and other pests from entering your home. Works really well around doors, and large gaps that would be too big to use the caulk sealant.

Weather Stripping is a cheap and inexpensive method to seal large cracks. It not only helps to spider-proof your home, but will help to maintain the temperature as well.

How to Use: Measure and cut weather stripping to fit the gaps around doors and windows. Apply it to create a snug, draft-free seal. You can use this on inside doors as well to the maintenance closet, unfinished basement, cold storage areas, etc. Places more likely to have spiders.

Pros: Easy to install, affordable, and energy-efficient.

Cons: Requires periodic inspection and replacement as it can wear out over time.

C. Door Sweeps

Description: Door sweeps are typically attached to the bottom of exterior doors. They seal the gap between the door and the threshold, preventing spiders from crawling in. Where weather stripping foam can be used around doors and windows, door sweeps are specifically designed for the bottom of doors – but they do this job better than foam. Door sweeps can stick to the door and maintain their shape even after opening and closing the door thousands of times.

Door Sweeps are a must for any exterior doors with large gaps at the bottom. They work well for interior doors to some spaces like the furnace closet, unfinished basement, cold storage areas, etc.

How to Use: Choose a door sweep that matches the width of your door. Attach it to the bottom, ensuring it touches the threshold when the door is closed.

Pros: Highly effective at keeping spiders out, simple installation, and durable.

Cons: May need occasional cleaning to remove debris.

D. Window Screens

Description: Window screens provide a protective barrier, allowing you to keep windows open for ventilation while keeping spiders and insects out.

How to Use: Ensure your windows have screens in good condition, without tears or holes, to maintain their effectiveness. For any window screens that have rips or tears, consider replacing the mesh screen. You can buy Windows Screen and Screen Door Replacement rolls just for this purpose.

Pros: Allows fresh air to flow while keeping pests at bay, low maintenance, and versatile.

Cons: Screens can become damaged over time and may need replacement.

E. Natural Spider Repellent Pouches

Natural Spider Repellent Pouches

Description: Natural spider repellent pouches are small, sachet-style bags filled with a blend of spider-repelling herbs and essential oils. These pouches emit a pleasant scent that deters spiders from entering your home.

How to Use: Place the repellent pouches in areas where you’ve seen spiders or where they’re likely to enter, such as windowsills, doorways, basements, or closets. The scent from the pouches masks the pheromones that attract spiders, making them less likely to establish webs or nests in treated areas. Replace the pouches every few months or as the scent diminishes.

Pros: Natural spider repellent pouches are chemical-free and safe for use around children and pets. They offer an environmentally friendly way to keep spiders at bay while also providing a pleasant aroma in your home. These pouches are easy to use and can be discreetly placed in various locations.

Cons: The effectiveness of the scent may diminish over time, so regular replacement is necessary. Natural repellents may not be as potent as chemical alternatives for severe spider infestations.

F. Spider Repellent Spray

Description: Spider repellent sprays are specially formulated solutions designed to keep spiders away from your home. They often contain natural ingredients like essential oils, which spiders find unpleasant.

How to Use: Create a diluted solution of essential oil and water and use it to wipe down surfaces, particularly near entry points. To use spider repellent spray, simply shake the bottle and apply it to areas where spiders are commonly found, such as window sills, door frames, and corners of rooms. You can also spray it around the perimeter of your home to create a barrier that deters spiders from entering. Reapply as needed, usually every few weeks or after rain.

See our article on The Best Safe and Effective Spider Rellants for ideas what to put into your DIY Spider Spray

Pros: Spider repellent sprays are easy to use and offer a chemical-free solution to keep spiders at bay. They are generally safe for use around children and pets.

Cons: Some sprays may have a strong scent that some people find unpleasant. They may also need regular reapplication to maintain their effectiveness, especially in outdoor areas exposed to the elements.

G. Cedarwood Products

Description: Cedarwood is a natural spider repellent due to its strong aroma that spiders dislike. Many products are available that utilize cedarwood to help keep spiders away.

How to Use: Cedarwood products come in various forms, such as cedarwood chips, cedarwood balls, or cedarwood sachets. Simply place these products in areas where spiders are likely to enter or hide, like closets, basements, or garages. You can also use cedarwood hangers in your closets to protect your clothing from spider infestations. Cedarwood’s scent acts as a deterrent, making spiders less likely to establish a presence in treated areas.

Pros: Cedarwood products are entirely natural and chemical-free, making them safe for both your family and pets. They not only repel spiders but also provide a pleasant, fresh scent in your home. Cedarwood is a long-lasting repellent, and these products can be refreshed by sanding them to release more aroma.

Cons: The effectiveness of cedarwood products may decrease over time, so occasional sanding or replacing may be necessary. Additionally, while cedarwood is generally safe, some individuals may be sensitive to the scent.

2. Proactive Spider-Proofing Tips

In addition to using spider-proofing products and tools, implementing proactive measures can significantly reduce the chances of spiders taking up residence in your home. Here are some tips to keep those eight-legged intruders at bay:

A. Regular Cleaning

Description: Maintaining a clean and clutter-free home is one of the most effective ways to deter spiders. Spiders often seek refuge in undisturbed areas, so regular cleaning is key.

How to Use: Dedicate time to clean and declutter your home, paying special attention to corners, baseboards, and hidden spaces.

Pros: Reduces potential spider hiding spots and keeps your home fresh and inviting.

Cons: Requires consistent effort to maintain cleanliness.

B. Outdoor Lighting

Description: Outdoor lighting can attract insects, which, in turn, attract spiders. Consider using yellow or sodium vapor lights that are less attractive to bugs.

How to Use: Replace or adjust outdoor light fixtures to emit less attractive wavelengths for insects.

Pros: Reduces the spider’s food source, discouraging them from hanging around.

Cons: May require an initial investment in new lighting fixtures.

C. Remove Webs and Egg Sacs

Description: Regularly remove spider webs and egg sacs from your home’s exterior to discourage spiders from settling in.

How to Use: Use a long-handled broom or vacuum cleaner to reach high webs and egg sacs. Dispose of them away from your home.

Pros: Prevents spiders from re-establishing webs, making your property less appealing to them.

Cons: Requires periodic maintenance to ensure spider webs don’t return.

D. Minimize Outdoor Debris

Description: Spiders often hide in outdoor debris, such as piles of leaves, wood, or overgrown vegetation. Keeping your outdoor space tidy reduces their potential hiding spots.

How to Use: Regularly clean up yard debris and maintain landscaping to minimize hiding places for spiders.

Pros: Creates a less hospitable environment for spiders around your home.

Cons: Requires ongoing maintenance to keep outdoor areas clutter-free.

E. Fix Leaks and Moisture Issues

Description: Spiders are attracted to moisture, so addressing any leaks or moisture issues in and around your home is essential.

How to Use: Regularly inspect your home for leaks, fix plumbing issues promptly, and ensure proper ventilation in damp areas.

Pros: Reduces conditions that spiders find favorable.

Cons: May require professional assistance for severe moisture problems.

By following these proactive spider-proofing tips and utilizing the spider-proofing products and tools mentioned earlier, you’ll create an unwelcome environment for spiders and enjoy a spider-free home. In the next section, we’ll conclude our guide to spider-proofing your home.


Spider-proofing your home doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By combining effective spider-proofing products and tools with proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of these arachnids invading your living spaces. Here’s a brief recap of what we’ve covered:

  • Essential Spider-Proofing Products: We’ve introduced you to a range of products and tools designed to keep spiders out, including sealants, weather stripping, door sweeps, and more.
  • Proactive Spider-Proofing Tips: In addition to using spider-proofing products, we’ve provided tips like regular cleaning, outdoor lighting adjustments, removing webs and egg sacs, minimizing outdoor debris, and addressing moisture issues to deter spiders from taking up residence.

With the combination of these spider-proofing strategies, you can enjoy a pest-free, spider-free home and create an environment where you and your family can live comfortably.

By following these guidelines and staying vigilant, you can ensure that your home remains a sanctuary from unwanted eight-legged guests. Remember that spider-proofing is an ongoing process, and regular maintenance is key to long-term success.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to spider-proof your home. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Wishing you a spider-free living space and peace of mind.

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