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How to Get Rid of Flies in the Garage: Best 5 Methods

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Last Updated on September 26, 2023 by The Bug Experts Team

Flies buzzing around your garage can be both annoying and unhygienic. These persistent pests can find their way into your storage space, making it uncomfortable and uninviting. However, with the right strategies and a little know-how, you can successfully learn how to get rid of flies in the garage and maintain a fly-free environment. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore effective methods to help you reclaim your garage from these bothersome insects.

Why It’s Crucial to Eliminate Flies from Your Garage

Getting rid of flies in your garage is imperative for several reasons. Firstly, flies are not only a nuisance but can also pose health risks. They are known to carry and transmit various diseases and pathogens that can contaminate surfaces, food, and utensils, potentially leading to illnesses in humans. Additionally, flies can quickly multiply, turning a small infestation into a significant problem in a short time. They are also attracted to and feed on decaying organic matter, making your garage an ideal breeding ground. Flies can lay hundreds of eggs, further exacerbating the infestation. By eliminating flies from your garage, you not only ensure a cleaner and more pleasant environment but also protect your health and prevent a potential fly population explosion.

Top 5 Ways to Get Rid of Flies in the Garage

1. Fly Traps:

  • Flypaper Strips: Hang flypaper strips in areas where flies are most active. The sticky surface attracts and traps flies as they land on it.
    • Flypaper strips are an age-old yet effective method to trap flies. They consist of long, adhesive strips that can be hung or suspended in areas where flies are most active. Flies are drawn to the bright color and sticky surface of the strip. When they land on it, they become stuck, unable to escape. Over time, the strip accumulates a significant number of flies. You can hang multiple flypaper strips around your garage, especially near doors, windows, or other entry points where flies often enter. Replace them as needed, and dispose of the full strips carefully.
  • Electric Fly Zappers: Install electric fly zappers or bug zappers in your garage. These devices emit ultraviolet light, which attracts flies, and then electrocutes them upon contact.
    • Electric fly zappers, also known as bug zappers, are a modern and efficient way to deal with flies in your garage. These devices use ultraviolet (UV) light to attract flies and other flying insects. When the flies make contact with the zapper’s electrified grid, they are instantly killed by an electric shock. Electric fly zappers are typically installed in areas where fly activity is high. They work continuously to reduce the fly population in your garage. However, it’s essential to position them away from areas where you and your family spend time, as the sound of electrocution can be unpleasant. Additionally, regular maintenance is required to clean the device of accumulated insects. Electric fly zappers are available in various sizes and designs to suit your garage’s specific needs.
GOOTOP Bug Zapper Outdoor Electric, Fly Traps, Fly Zapper
Fly Zappers like this GooTop have thousands of Positive reviews, because they work really well to eliminate flies, especially at night.

2. Fly Bait Stations:

  • Place fly bait stations in key areas of your garage. These stations contain a lure that attracts flies, and when they feed on the bait, they become incapacitated or die.
    • Fly bait stations are powerful tools for controlling and eradicating flies within your garage effectively. These stations operate by luring flies using specialized bait, which proves toxic to them upon consumption. Once the flies enter the station, they become trapped, preventing their escape and leading to their eventual demise. This approach is highly efficient, demanding minimal maintenance, and is accessible in both disposable and refillable options. To maximize their efficacy, strategic placement and routine inspection are crucial. However, when employing stations with toxic baits, it’s essential to exercise caution by keeping them out of the reach of children and pets and following safe disposal practices.
Reusable Outdoor Fly Traps with Natural
Fly Bait Stations like these Reusable Outdoor Fly Traps by BugBane can work very well in outdoor spaces

3. Ultraviolet (UV) Traps:

  • Ultraviolet light traps, often known as UV fly traps, are designed to attract flies with UV light and then trap them in a glue board or sticky surface.
    • Ultraviolet (UV) traps are advanced devices designed to attract and capture flies in your garage. These traps employ specially calibrated UV light, which is highly attractive to flies, luring them into the trap. Once inside, flies are either trapped on a sticky surface or subjected to an electric shock, depending on the trap’s design. UV traps are a non-toxic and eco-friendly option for fly control, making them safe for use around your family and pets. They are available in various styles, including wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted, or portable units, allowing flexibility in placement based on your garage’s layout and needs. Routine cleaning and maintenance are essential to ensure optimal performance, as flies may accumulate over time. Ultraviolet traps are a reliable and low-maintenance solution to help you keep your garage fly-free.

4. DIY Fly Repellent Sprays:

  • You can make your own fly repellent spray using household ingredients. Mix water with essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint, and spray it in fly-prone areas. The strong scents deter flies.
    • DIY fly repellent sprays offer a cost-effective and customizable approach to tackle flies in your garage. These homemade concoctions typically involve combining ingredients like water, vinegar, dish soap, and essential oils known for their fly-repelling properties. Once mixed, the spray can be applied to areas where flies are prevalent. The strong scent of the ingredients, particularly essential oils like citronella, eucalyptus, or lavender, acts as a natural repellent, deterring flies from the treated areas. DIY fly repellent sprays are safe for indoor use, making them suitable for your garage. They provide a chemical-free alternative to commercial insecticides and can be reapplied as needed to maintain their effectiveness. Experimenting with various essential oils allows you to find the scent that works best for repelling flies while keeping your garage smelling pleasant.
  • We’ve made helpful guides on the best DIY fly sprays. Check out our articles on The Best Natural Fly Spray Recipe and The Best Essential Oils for Fly Spray
Natural Fly Spray

5. Fly Swatters:

  • Use a fly swatter to manually kill flies. This method is effective for individual flies or small numbers.
  • Fly swatters come in various designs, including the traditional handheld models and more advanced electric swatters that deliver an electric shock on contact. Keep a fly swatter handy in your garage for quick and precise fly control whenever needed.

6. Bonus – Use your Vacuum Cleaner for Free Fly Control

  • Use a handheld or shop vacuum to suck up flies. Empty the vacuum bag or container afterward to prevent them from escaping. The power of the vacuum as a tool to get rid of flies comes from the ability to get rid of what the flies love most – crumbs, food, and other garbage to snack on. Keep up your garage space, paying special attention to any organic or decomposing matter that may attract the flies.
  • Look for a handheld vacuum with a nozzle attachment to easily reach corners and crevices where flies tend to hide. Simply use the vacuum to suck up any flies you encounter. This method is not only effective but also hygienic, as it helps remove fly carcasses and prevents them from attracting more pests. Remember to empty the vacuum bag or container outside into the garbage can after use to ensure the flies don’t return.

Remember that a combination of these methods may be more effective in dealing with a fly infestation in your garage. Be patient and persistent, as it may take some time to significantly reduce the fly population.

Say Goodbye to Garage Flies with Effective Pest Control Solutions

When dealing with a fly infestation in your garage, knowing how to get rid of flies in the garage can make a significant difference in regaining control of your space. By implementing a combination of effective pest control solutions such as fly traps, UV traps, DIY fly repellent sprays, fly swatters, and even using your vacuum cleaner strategically, you can create an environment that’s unwelcome to flies. Remember to maintain cleanliness and address any fly-attracting factors. With the right strategies, you’ll soon enjoy a fly-free garage, making it a more pleasant and functional space for all your needs.

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