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Best Products You Can Buy To Keep Flies Away Outside

Last updated on September 28th, 2023 at 09:42 pm

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Last Updated on September 28, 2023 by The Bug Experts Team

Spending time outdoors is a delightful way to enjoy nature and soak up some sunshine. However, pesky flies can quickly turn a pleasant experience into an annoying one. Fortunately, there are numerous products available that can help you keep flies away when you’re relaxing or dining al fresco. In this guide, we’ll explore a range of effective products designed to create a fly-free zone so you can make the most of your outdoor activities. Whether you’re planning a barbecue, picnic, or simply want to enjoy your patio, these are the best products you can buy to keep flies away outside.

Best Products To Keep Flies Away Outside

1. Electric Fly Zappers:

Electric fly zappers, also known as bug zappers, are a modern and efficient way to deal with flies outdoors. These devices use ultraviolet (UV) light to attract flies and other flying insects. When the flies make contact with the zapper’s electrified grid, they are instantly killed by an electric shock. Electric fly zappers are typically designed for outdoor use and come in various sizes and styles to suit your needs.

Best Products You Can Buy To Keep Flies Away Outside

Electric Bug Zappers like this one by Dunaga work really well in outdoor spaces. They can work for mosquitos and other insects as well.


  • Effectively eliminates flies and other flying insects.
  • Suitable for outdoor use, such as patios, decks, and backyard spaces.
  • Low maintenance, with easy cleanup of zapped insects.


  • The sound of electrocution can be unpleasant, so place the zapper away from seating areas.
  • Requires access to electricity or batteries.

2. Fly Traps:

Fly traps are another excellent option for keeping flies away outdoors. They come in various forms, including flypaper strips and jar traps. Flypaper strips are coated with a sticky substance that attracts flies and traps them upon landing. Jar traps use bait to lure flies inside, where they are unable to escape.

Outdoor Disposable Hanging Fly Trap

Fly Traps like these ones from Rescue are a great outdoor option that doesn’t require any batteries or electricity


  • Effective for capturing flies without the use of chemicals.
  • Easy to set up and use.
  • Available in disposable and reusable options.


  • May not eliminate flies as quickly as zappers.
  • Some traps may have an odor due to the bait.

3. Citronella Candles:

Citronella candles are a popular choice for creating a fly-free ambiance during outdoor gatherings. These candles are infused with citronella oil, a natural repellent that deters flies and other flying insects. Place them strategically around your outdoor seating area to enjoy their pleasant scent while keeping flies at bay.

Citronella Candles like these from Murphy’s Natural are a great supplement product


  • Natural and chemical-free fly repellent.
  • Provides ambient lighting and atmosphere.
  • Safe for use around humans and pets.


  • May not be as effective in windy conditions.
  • The scent may not last as long in larger open spaces.

Do you like the idea of Natural and safe ways to keep flies away? Check out our Easy Natural Fly Spray Recipe which uses essential oils to repel flies.

4. Fly Screens and Netting:

Fly screens and netting are essential for keeping flies out of specific areas, such as gazebos, patios, and picnic spots. These protective barriers create a physical barrier between you and the flies, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space without interruption.


  • Versatile and customizable for various outdoor settings.
  • Provides a comprehensive barrier against flies and other insects.
  • Allows airflow while keeping pests out.


  • Requires setup and installation.
  • May obstruct views in some cases.

Ultrasonic fly repellers emit high-frequency sound waves that are unpleasant for flies, causing them to leave the area. These devices are portable and can be placed on tables, hung from trees, or staked into the ground, creating a fly-free zone around them.


  • Chemical-free and safe for humans and pets.
  • Portable and versatile for outdoor use.
  • Coverage area can be adjusted.


  • May not be as effective in extremely large outdoor spaces.
  • Requires batteries or access to electricity.

6. Mesh Food Covers:

Protecting your delicious outdoor spread from flies is essential for an enjoyable picnic or barbecue. Mesh food covers are designed to keep flies and other insects away from your food while allowing guests to easily access the dishes. These covers come in various sizes and styles, making them a practical addition to your outdoor dining setup.


  • Effectively keeps flies and insects away from food.
  • Allows for easy access to dishes.
  • Collapsible and easy to store when not in use.


  • May not prevent flies from landing on the exterior of the cover.
  • Limited protection for larger serving platters.

7. Portable Fans:

Flies are less likely to bother you when there’s a gentle breeze in the air. Portable fans, especially those with adjustable speeds, can create a fly-discouraging airflow around your outdoor seating area. These fans are battery-operated or rechargeable, making them a convenient choice for various outdoor settings.


  • Provides a cooling breeze while deterring flies.
  • Portable and easy to position where needed.
  • Can be used in conjunction with other fly-repelling methods.


  • Requires a power source, either batteries or recharging.
  • Less effective on particularly windy days.

8. Insect-Repellent Picnic Blankets:

Enjoying a picnic in the great outdoors is a delightful experience, but not when flies are a constant nuisance. Insect-repellent picnic blankets offer a dual solution by providing a comfortable seating area while keeping flies and other pests at bay. These blankets are treated with insect-repelling substances that create an insect-free zone for your outdoor relaxation.


  • Protects your picnic area from flies and other insects.
  • Comfortable and easy to clean.
  • Durable and reusable for multiple outings.


  • Limited to the size of the picnic blanket.
  • Effectiveness may diminish over time and with washing.

9. Electric Fly Swatters:

For those who prefer an active approach to fly control, electric fly swatters are an effective choice. These handheld devices deliver a zap of electricity when flies come into contact with the swatter’s grid. They are especially useful for eliminating flies that get too close during your outdoor gatherings.


  • Provides a hands-on approach to fly elimination.
  • Effective for quick action against individual flies.
  • Battery-operated for convenience.


  • Requires manual swatting and coordination.
  • Not suitable for large-scale fly control.

10. Fly-Repelling Plants:

Nature provides its own fly-repelling solutions. Planting certain types of vegetation, such as basil, mint, marigolds, and lavender, in your outdoor space can naturally deter flies. These plants release scents that flies find unpleasant, helping to keep them away from your picnic or patio area.


  • Natural and eco-friendly fly deterrent.
  • Adds greenery and fragrance to your outdoor space.
  • Low-maintenance and decorative.


  • May require time for the plants to mature and produce sufficient scent.
  • Less effective in areas with heavy fly infestations.

Enjoying the great outdoors should never be disrupted by annoying flies. With a range of effective products at your disposal, you can create a fly-free zone for outdoor activities and relaxation. From electric fly zappers to citronella candles and fly screens, these products provide various options to suit your preferences and needs. Invest in these fly-repelling solutions to make the most of your outdoor experiences without the nuisance of flies.

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